Friday, October 21, 2011


Shoes are so important when packing for travel.  How many pairs?  What types?  What will we be doing and what particular shoe will be needed for that activity.  Walking, of course.  Sneakers, tennies, trainers--by whatever name-- will mark us as American tourists.  Of course, that is what we are, but we would like to not be quite so obvious.  My choice then, are my Merrills.  Still not an Italian walking shoe, but they are comfortable and I know my feet will be happy after many, many steps.

That's how I gauge a shoe.  How many steps before my feet complain?  How loudly will they complain--just a whimper, or a full-on scream.  My husband likes to take me on little adventures, which invariably involve lots of extra steps.  I will often announce the relative number of steps my shoes have before they become uncomfortable--not that it has a great influence on the route.  A small one, perhaps.

1 comment:

  1. I always find, no matter how much thought given beforehand, that I have packed the wrong shoes.
